Monday, May 16

Orangutan Walk and Pants on the Ground

In the last couple of weeks I have been experiencing a seriously strained hip muscle which causes me to favor my right side. In the morning now, I can walk like a human; in the late afternoon, I am imitating more of an orangutan walk -- or so I joke.

While driving Ashley to school on a recent morning during which my leg and hip were bothering me considerably, I noticed, really noticed, for the first time the walk of a young man wearing low riding, wide leg shorts. The type of pants that became famous or perhaps infamous when American Idol's search for talent presented General Larry Platt and his popular and memorable rap ditty called Pants on the Ground. This rendition tells the story of a young man "looking like a fool with his pants on the ground!" Larry Platt says he sung it because he felt the younger generation was not honoring the sacrifices made by the civil rights movement per CBS Entertainment News in January of 2010.

This young man was walking with his legs wide apart to keep the sagging pants from falling to his knees and beyond! This caused me to wonder if this type of wide-stance walking for the sake of vanity will cause him medical issues in older life due to what must be some strain on muscles not previously required for the simple act of walking down a concrete path or sidewalk. Hummm?

As babies, we walked with our legs wide apart for balance until we improved our technique with lots of practice and lots of plopping down hard in our diapers to the ground or floor.

Dublin Georgia's mayor announced recently that he would sign an ordinance fining violators $25 for their first offense of extreme low riding pants and too revealing underwear or skin, followed by $200 fine for additional offenses. Now he has, indeed, signed this law that states anyone wearing pants or skirts more than 3" below the tops of their hips and exposing skin or underwear will be cited. There are definitely critics of this new law that the Mayor favored on the grounds of showing respect for one another. No mention of medical impact of this practice long term in the ordinance article.

Anyway, let the young man dress the way he wants. As he ages, he will likely change his style and his gait and avoid lasting effects.

In the meantime, my orangutan walk is worrisome to me as it is causing my thigh to hurt from the straining of different muscles. But! But, it is improving and I will not suffer lasting gait effects from this injury.

Let's Walk on!!

Sunday, May 15

Friday the 13th

We are in our new home and still unpacking.  But, we are enjoying it all too.  Except perhaps for this past Friday the 13th.  Murphy's Law was in full effect in our world!

When I took Ashley to school, a bicyclist turned right in front of us.  We stopped in time, but I was not happy about this.  That was #1.  #2 was a squirrel did the same thing.  Again, we were able to get around the squirrel and he survived - he was soooo lucky.  #3 arrived when I stopped at Ashley's house and we went in and then I took her, Gandalf, and Skipper to drop her off at school.  All going well.  Since I was only going to Melbourne once that day, I drove back to her dad's to drop off Gandalf.  That is when #4 struck - my keys to get into the house were in the house!  Drat.  And I did not have Gandalf's meds despite my now driving to our house with both dogs.  Gandalf loved this as he got to spend the whole day in Grammy & Grandad Daycare.  All this occurred in about an hour.  Still had not connected it was Friday the 13th.

Onward to home events.  Pat and I decided to put up our first Hunter 5-Minute Stratford fan.  Along came #5, an appropriate number considering this was the "5-Minute Fan"    The "red" wire which was never ever mentioned in the Hunter instructions defied us.  We got the wires together and turned it on...SPARKS!  Quickly turned off.  Charred spot on metal plate.  Drat, double drat, that mysterious red wire.  To the web for info on this.  Others had encountered the same problem and gave options.   After fooling with this for about 2 hours (for a 5-minute fan), we gave up for the day but not before dropping a screw from the fan directly into the fan!  Oh well. 

The rest of the day was, in general, non-Murphys's Law.

Saturday morning Pat got the fan up and the fan and the light work great.  We love it!  Thank God it was now Saturday the 14th!